Honestly, I keep meaning to make this post, but then I look at how many pictures I took and memories I want to write down, and I feel overwhelmed so I just decide I can't do it lol. But I know how grateful I've been to look back on other memories, so I think I better just suck it up and forge ahead. So here goes!

Usually when time off coincides for both Lester and the kids, we try to pack it full of fun things or big trips. This time, we decided to just chill. Do local things, get things done, and relax! Some days, we went into the city-we did things like [of course] try some yummy foods, go to Christmas markets, window shop and explore big buildings and parks, and so on. We did things here in Arlington, like to go to Main Street for more fun there, attend some library events [like a stuffy sleepover and 'Noon' Years Eve party on New Years Day] and park hopped. We also went out into nature, like for Lavender In Lights bonfires and pretty displays, Kayak Point for cold beach time and video game playing. 

On Christmas Eve, we spent more time in the city, enjoying the vibes, grabbing the most delicious bang bang noodles, and playing in the crisp, cold Christmas air! It was a lot of fun. We came home, baked up a Hanaike classic of Chile Verde and rice, along with some delicious rugelach [we were missing Hannukuh with Bex, so this is how we made ourselves feel better haha!], and went up the street to our friends house. We had the best time hanging with friends, eating, laughing, playing games and talking late into the night. Then it was time for everyone to open ONE present, and head to bed so Santa could do his thing!

The next morning as per the norm the kids woke up at an unholy hour, and got into their stockings from Santa. We took our sweet time after that making and eating donuts and hot chocolate for breakfast, and then opening presents. We all got pretty much everything on our list, even the adults which was amazing and I feel kinda silly but also proud that we were able to make happen. We spent the rest of the day cooking and baking up a delicious feast for dinner that night, playing card, board and video games, enjoying our new toys, and catching up with family [including an adult white elephant via zoom!], and other fun. 

We spent the rest of our break doing similar stuff, and it was the most chill, relaxing Christmas we ever had. Did we miss the fun chaos? Of course! But I also would not trade this Christmas for anything. Now, we are a few days of being back into school and work, and putting job applications in [!], and working. Not gonna lie, I'm super nervous for what this year will bring-but also cautiously hopeful that at least some of it will be good! Fingers crossed I guess!
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