My sweet Addy girl is sick. She has a barking cough, is very congested and her eyes were swollen. We took her to the doctor and they said she has bronchilitis. They prescribed her some eye drops and albuteral and even gave her a nebulizer to administer it [as seen off to the side.] We also have saline solution and a humidifier to help her out. Ultimately, they say even though this is no fun, she will be fine. But still-my Momma heart is breaking for her. Even though I know we're doing everything we can, I still feel like I can't do enough! She is just such a good girl, and even with all this she still smiles and tries to talk to us all the time. She doesn't even cry more then usual. How did I get blessed with such a sweet girl?
Anywho, again, its not life threatening or anything like that, but keep her in your prayers I guess. She is the best thing that ever happened to us and I want her to feel better as soon as possible.