Deep In The Heart of Texas
This 4th of July weekend, we were able to take one last trip to see our family in Texas. I have heard a lot of extreme things about that place over the years, and I think after having spent a while there, it is on my list of 'I wouldn't mind living there' places. Granted, it wouldn't be my first choice, but there are a lot of things I do really enjoy about it.
One of the best things about this trip is that my brother Luke was in town. This is our first time seeing him in several months, so we were all very excited about this. I love my brother because he loves his family, and has no shame in it like a lot of teenage boys do. He will cuddle with us, tell us he loves and misses us and spend as much time as he can loving our litte girl. He is still definitely all obnoxious boy, but I like that in this aspect at least, he is genuine and guileless. Addy particularly loved every second she got to spend with her Uncle, and I can honestly say that I have never seen a more dedicated or excited Uncle. It was fun to see her absolutely light up and crack the biggest smile ever every time he would even walk in the room. It also gave us some time to enjoy my cousin and her family, and my aunt and uncles company more since he wanted to take care of her so often. We even got to go out on a double date at one point knowing she was in very capable hands. Of course we also enjoyed lots of good food, good conversation, swimming, girls shopping trips, fireworks and all around fun. Their family is always fun, but I particularly enjoyed all the good talks my Aunt and I were able to have-she always impresses me and makes me think about things I haven't in a different light. I also loved being with Rocio, as she is one of my best friends and examples.
Lester, Addy and I had a blast. We will sincerely miss these trips when we are back home, and are glad we got this chance to continue to enjoy our relationship with this side of my family. What a blessing!
One of the best things about this trip is that my brother Luke was in town. This is our first time seeing him in several months, so we were all very excited about this. I love my brother because he loves his family, and has no shame in it like a lot of teenage boys do. He will cuddle with us, tell us he loves and misses us and spend as much time as he can loving our litte girl. He is still definitely all obnoxious boy, but I like that in this aspect at least, he is genuine and guileless. Addy particularly loved every second she got to spend with her Uncle, and I can honestly say that I have never seen a more dedicated or excited Uncle. It was fun to see her absolutely light up and crack the biggest smile ever every time he would even walk in the room. It also gave us some time to enjoy my cousin and her family, and my aunt and uncles company more since he wanted to take care of her so often. We even got to go out on a double date at one point knowing she was in very capable hands. Of course we also enjoyed lots of good food, good conversation, swimming, girls shopping trips, fireworks and all around fun. Their family is always fun, but I particularly enjoyed all the good talks my Aunt and I were able to have-she always impresses me and makes me think about things I haven't in a different light. I also loved being with Rocio, as she is one of my best friends and examples.
Lester, Addy and I had a blast. We will sincerely miss these trips when we are back home, and are glad we got this chance to continue to enjoy our relationship with this side of my family. What a blessing!
[hangin out w cute cousin Adriane..he is one fast mover, she can barely keep up w him!]
[walking w Daddy..]
[feel asleep in the pool toy her cousin was sharing w her..such a diva!]
[see what I mean...he just loves her..]
[..and she just loves him. This is the face she makes when he comes into a room.]
[hanging out w the boys before church]
[hangin out w Cali after church, all smiles..]
[excited to play the piano w Uncle Luke..]