Summer Utah Trip
Thanks to my hard working Dad, this past week my family and I were able to take a trip to Utah for our cousin's wedding and to visit with family and friends. Once again, the amount of pictures I have to add here is substantial, so I will just narrate as I go.
The three of us headed out on Tuesday, and after being picked up by Hillary and Audrey, we stopped at our favorite bakery in Salt Lake City called Gourmandise [best yogurt EVER..seriously, random I know, but so good!]. We then made a quick stop at the City Creek mall, headed back over to Provo and met up with Andrew and Mariah and several other good friends, for a makeshift party of sorts. As usual, it was a blast and fun to get back together.
The next morning we slept in pretty late, then headed over to BYU's campus for some exploring and fun with friends.
Thursday we were so excited to able to go visit with our family friends then Bennings. They recently moved and it was fun seeing them and checking out their new super sweet digs. We were especially envious of their backyard. We miss them and were so glad we got to come by for dinner and fun! That night we made the switch over to our friends the Morco's, where we stayed the rest of the time so my family, who joined us later that night, could stay with the Dobbins. As always, they opened their homes and hearts to us and it was so fun to spend time with them.
Friday the whole big gang headed over to Thanksgiving Point in Lehi for a Renaissance Fair. To be honest, I did not have high hoped for this but it ended up impressing me, and we all had a lot of fun. Especially the tornado potatoe haha! We stopped at some outlets on the way home, and once back in Provo, went for a walk until Lester and Andrew headed over to catch the end of the BYU game.
Saturday was the day we had all come for-one of my closest, best friend's wedding! No one deserves happiness in this life more then her, and she has been an example of unwavering faith and the kind of women I want to be time and time again. We were lucky enough to be able to attend her sacred sealing in the temple, and I even got to be with her Mom to help her in the bride's room. She was gorgeous, inside and out, as were the rest of her beautiful, new eternal family.
We then headed over to South Jordan where the reception was held at a Mexican restaurant. It was delicious, and so fun to celebrate with so many people we know and love. Everything was beautiful, just like the bride herself. Later that night, we went swimming and played some basketball in the perfect summer/fall weather.
In between the ceremony and reception, we spent some time exploring downtown salt lake at Deseret Book and the mall.
We then headed over to South Jordan where the reception was held at a Mexican restaurant. It was delicious, and so fun to celebrate with so many people we know and love. Everything was beautiful, just like the bride herself. Later that night, we went swimming and played some basketball in the perfect summer/fall weather.
The next day was Sunday, and our family went to church with the Morco and Dobbins families. Afterwards my family and I met up to head over to Bridal Veil waterfalls, which was good climbing and lots of fun. We even got my Mom to head off the beaten path, much to her dismay haha! We had a delicious family dinner that night, then headed back over to the Morco's for game night and dessert. We are so lucky!
Monday was our last day there, and after saying our thank yous and goodbyes to the Morcos', we made the most of it by enjoying temple square. After the visitor's center and the tabernacle, we spent most of our time at the LDS Church History Museum which was having a '100 Years of Scouting' Exhibit. Being an Eagle Scout, Lester was excited to see it. It was amazing, and they even had a children's area filled with lots of fun activities for me and Addy. After that we went over to the Lion House for dinner.

After this, we said out bittersweet goodbyes to Hillary, Andrew, Audrey and Mariah and made the flight back home. It was a WONDERFUL trip, and although we are happy to be home, I am SO grateful for the memories we made and the things we got to do. Now here's to an equally fun, but MUCH slower paced next several months.