Baby #2
It is common knowledge now that we are expecting baby number two! We are ecstatic! The good news is that means I will have another adorable baby for us to play paparazzi and cuddle with. The bad news is you guys will have to put up with more pregnancy and kid nonsense from me on this blog.
Due Date Information/Etc
As I said, while we are a little surprised at how soon its all happening, from the get go, Lester and I were excited and happy. My family and friends seem to feel the same-honestly, I think my family and the people I see often already knew by the time we told them bc I had probably thrown up in their presence by then. But they are all very kind and happy!
I talked about this a few posts ago, but Addy has been, and continues to be extremely good about it all. I go from looking at her to the sonogram at times and thinking how fun it is going to be for her to have a little sibling. She is such a wonderful girl, and she seems to find every possible way to enjoy life and make me and Lester smile. I know that if she can do that for us cold blooded adults, she will definitely love doing so for this wee one. And I am sure that this new one will bring its own individual, wonderful little personality to the mix-as it already has. I know some people think we are crazy-you can see it on their faces when they hear we are expecting, or they very rarely say it-but its only been a handful, and I find myself feeling worse for them that they can't, or won't understand.
We just find so much joy in our ever growing family-there are no words for it. These are the things Lester and I used to dream about, and we often look at each other and can't believe its a reality, and this is our wonderful real life. He is such a good husband and Dad, and this allows me to be able to do my best to be a better person as a whole.
- I wrote this entry a while ago, and am just now posting it. The indentations will be things I'm adding now or that have changed, etc.
How We Found Out
For several weeks I though I had developed a lactose intolerance, but after I started avoiding dairy like the plague, the stomach pains persisted. But once the fatigue set in, I started to wonder if I was pregnant. Initially I thought there was no way, and assumed it would just go away with time. We had just begun talking about when to start trying for another one, and had agreed that we were ready very very soon. From this point on, I have realized that if we even think the words 'new baby' or 'pregnancy', we can expect to be pregnant that instant. Because that is basically how it went-just like last time. Haha, but we are so so happy about it all.
For several weeks I though I had developed a lactose intolerance, but after I started avoiding dairy like the plague, the stomach pains persisted. But once the fatigue set in, I started to wonder if I was pregnant. Initially I thought there was no way, and assumed it would just go away with time. We had just begun talking about when to start trying for another one, and had agreed that we were ready very very soon. From this point on, I have realized that if we even think the words 'new baby' or 'pregnancy', we can expect to be pregnant that instant. Because that is basically how it went-just like last time. Haha, but we are so so happy about it all.
Due Date Information/Etc
Anywho, so about a week later I decided to take a test, and of course the little lines showed up right away and confirmed that we were indeed expecting. After a few nerve wracking things happened that week, we were told that we were about 5 weeks, but everything looked good and to come back in at 8. When I came back in at 8, the doctor checked and rechecked and said either we got your due date wrong, or this baby is having a huge growth spurt, because you are measuring at 10 weeks. After moving the due date up two weeks, we now have a due date of July 31st-definitely a bit sooner then we expected but I am happy because that means less time of being pregnant, and I will get to hold this little one in my arms sooner.
2nd Pregnancy vs. 1st Pregnancy
So far, this pregnancy has been a cake walk [comparatively speaking of course]. I have my rough days-morning sickness is never fun [as the patrons at the temple and some restaurants found out...yikes], and of course its hard to be tired while chasing around a rambunctious little person-but I am counting my blessings, because seriously its been easy living when I think about last time.
- At this point I am about 18 weeks, and we are scheduled for an ultra sound on March 10th, hopefully to find out the gender. I have no guesses as to which it is, bc my mind changes to consistently-one minute I am sure its girl, the next I know its a boy. So I guess we will just have to see!
2nd Pregnancy vs. 1st Pregnancy
So far, this pregnancy has been a cake walk [comparatively speaking of course]. I have my rough days-morning sickness is never fun [as the patrons at the temple and some restaurants found out...yikes], and of course its hard to be tired while chasing around a rambunctious little person-but I am counting my blessings, because seriously its been easy living when I think about last time.
- Since writing this, I would like to add [for my records sake] that while I still feel like this pregnancy is worlds easier so far, it is still completely different. I throw up a lot more then last time, and it doesn't seem to have stopped with the second trimester like before either. But I am learning to have more of a sense of humor about things. Like when you are throwing up so violently so often that you find yourself impressed when you simultaneously throw up, pee your pants, and have it come out your nose. Or when your dr. scolds you for losing a total of 13 lbs in this pregnancy so far now that your trying to gain weight [what to they expect when I am throwing up all the time haha?] Or you realize you have rock hard abs finally-of course its bc you have a baby in there. Boy, I am a real winner aren't I haha! Still, for some reason I don't feel as consistently terrible as last time, even with all these things so I will most certainly take it!
Family Reactions/Feelings
I talked about this a few posts ago, but Addy has been, and continues to be extremely good about it all. I go from looking at her to the sonogram at times and thinking how fun it is going to be for her to have a little sibling. She is such a wonderful girl, and she seems to find every possible way to enjoy life and make me and Lester smile. I know that if she can do that for us cold blooded adults, she will definitely love doing so for this wee one. And I am sure that this new one will bring its own individual, wonderful little personality to the mix-as it already has. I know some people think we are crazy-you can see it on their faces when they hear we are expecting, or they very rarely say it-but its only been a handful, and I find myself feeling worse for them that they can't, or won't understand.
We just find so much joy in our ever growing family-there are no words for it. These are the things Lester and I used to dream about, and we often look at each other and can't believe its a reality, and this is our wonderful real life. He is such a good husband and Dad, and this allows me to be able to do my best to be a better person as a whole.
I can't imagine life being any sweeter then this-but I am happily looking forward to being proven wrong come summer time when are numbers increase :) Life truly is sweet.
And now, bc I am not a huge fan of picture less posts on my blog, a few ones of Addy:
We say 'smile for the camera!' and we get these poses:
And now, bc I am not a huge fan of picture less posts on my blog, a few ones of Addy:
We say 'smile for the camera!' and we get these poses:
She loves these Swedish clogs from Auntie Maya, Malia, Brianne and Uncle Matt. Its good practice for her trying to steal my heels all the time:
I can't wait till I have this new baby to post too many pictures of!