To My New Daughter:

I want you to know that you are wanted. More then you will
ever know, until the day you get the pleasure of feeling the heartbeat of your
own little one. Some foolish people seem
to think that somehow you would be of more worth to us if you were a boy. I
don’t know why they don’t understand-I hope you know what they do not; that we
never wanted anything other then you, exactly you. True, as your parents we
will push you, to try to bring out the
best in you. But trust me when I say you could never be anything less then what
we wanted. I think these people must have never heard the song Baby
Mine-otherwise they would find themselves described when it says ‘all those
same people who scold you-what they’d give just for the right to hold you.’ We
love you, and love having this right.
I hope to always do all that I can to make sure you never
doubt this. I know that right now you are as close to heaven as it gets-you are
living in a world that bridges the gap between your heavenly home and your soon
to be earthly one with us-and as such you are giving us a view into all the
blessings you will bring with your coming. But I hope you will know that with
us, you will always be home, and you will always belong, no matter where life
takes you or where we all end up.
I am sure that as your Mom, I will make a lot of mistakes. I
already find myself wishing I could do more or be better for you and your
sister. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with the responsibility that comes with
the blessing of welcoming your to our family-you are a child of Heavenly
parents and by sending you to me they are putting the ultimate trust in me and
your Daddy. I want you to know that we will do everything we can to rise to the
occasion, and to give you all that you need and deserve. We will always strive
to remind you of your divine nature and individual worth, and make sure you
feel how much we love you. I hope in the moments where I fall short that you
will still know above all else that you are loved and valued, and hopefully
somehow this will make up for the sacrifices you may have to make with me as
your Mother.
Your sister is sleeping right in a crib that will soon be
yours. As parents, you want to give your children everything-the new most
fashionable clothes and accessories. Never second hand or with the feeling of
second best. I want you to know that this is one of the reasons we know you were
meant for this family-one of the reasons we need you, and you need us. Because
we want to give you and your sister everything we can. Fads changes, and
material things are temporary-even hand me downs will be forgotten-but I
promise you that the relationship you cultivate with your sister will remain
far and beyond all of those things. Because we want you both to have the best
of everything, we are giving you a sister. This is one of the greatest
relationships you can have if you allow it to be. I know from experience. I
promise you that your sister needs you as much as you need her-and your Daddy
and I are looking forward to watching and helping both of you women grow into
the incredible women you are meant to be.
Its getting late now, and you finally seem to be sleeping
after our super long ultrasound today. I am going to join you girls, and go to
bed now too. I just wanted to finish by letting your know that your Daddy, who
is at work now, is nothing but ecstatic to have found out more about who you
are and how you are growing. He loves you just as much as I do, and I hope you
take comfort in the fact that he eagerly awaits holding you in his arms as well.
I am sure someday you will laugh when people think your Dad is shy or a bit on
the quiet side bc you will be one of the few privileged enough to see him be
crazy and silly. He holds those he loves closest to him, and you are surely
counted among those-so you will get to see how fun and dedicating he is, and feel
how much he loves you.
Again, we love you more then you can possibly know and cant
wait to kiss your little cheeks and wrap our arms around you. I look forward to
talking to you and getting to know you more every second of every day. Thank
you for letting me be your Mom.