Mothers Day 2014
In case the social media world hasn't informed you already, it is Mother's Day. I wanted to also take a second to gush about the mothers in my life, the importance of this role and how much I appreciate being able to hold this role myself now. However, I know I can tend to be a little long winded at times [this is the part where you say, "What? You? NEVER!" like you mean it haha] so I think I will just narrate it with pictures and captions.
There is no surer affirmation of divine roles then that exhibited by my own Mom. I can think of no better example of the consistency and unconditional love she naturally gives, and I will forever be trying to learn from her and make sure my children feel as loved and important and smart as she has always made me feel.
She has loved her job as a Mom, and has always helped me to see that although extremely difficult at times, it is the best job in the world. As seen below, I have always wanted to be a Mom like her-although I may have wavered watching her make her daily morning sickness sacrifice in the mornings for a good portion of my childhood haha. Still, she enjoyed motherhood and I wanted to be like that.
To this day, I still love and need my Mother and am happy to say that I am daily getting to put these things into practice with my own sweet daughters. There are no words to express how much I love love LOVE being her daughter, and my babies Mother.
I am also blessed and grateful to have the wonderful husband I do. He loves me, respects me and does his best to take care of me our family so that I might in return take care of them. I don't have to ask him to do this, he just does. I'm grateful for my mother in law and the things she has done in her life to help him on this journey.
I'm grateful to my Dad for appreciating my Mom as well. When I was about 10 he started a tradition called 'The Mother's Day Cafe'. We put out the best china, put curtains up around the kitchen, and made a restaurant while cooking a fancy dinner. He had us dress in serving attire to give my Mom a night off of cooking and serve her and her Mom the best we could give them. We did this every year since then. This was my first year home having earned a chance to actually sit at the table! Lester helped in the kitchen and it was quite the experience. This, coupled with the flowers and other goodies from Lester made the day very special. I am lucky to have the men I do in my lives who support me in my role as a Mom.
I guess I will just finish this post on this note. In the Bible [Proverbs 31:28-29] it speaks of a virtuous women-a mother to be specific. It says "Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellent them all." I know that in this life, not every women will be a mother. But we can all be the kind of person who provides love, a safe haven and blesses the life of others. THIS is what motherhood is all about. So to all the wonderful women out there, with or without children-thank you for all the millions of times you have provided that for me. And for my children-thank you for letting be your Mom-I truly am as the scripture says-blessed.