Love & Life in SF
Its been a few weeks since I last posted on here, which for history's sake is unacceptable! So I'm gonna do a narrate through pictures kind of post about our last few weeks-fair warning. LOTS of pictures.
Superbowl 50 came to town this year! It seemed like all of SF had stopped in preparation for the event, and so we thought we'd better take advantage of it and see what 'Super Bowl City' had to offer. It was a fun, once in a lifetime kinda thing I think, and Lester and his Dad especially enjoyed it I think. Of course, can't beat the sights and sounds of our beautiful city by the bay, so we had no complaints! I think the girls favourite part was the Bart ride before-they sat in their stroller in absolute awe and Addy kept asking saying 'Look at the townspeople Mom!' whenever we'd arrive at a stop. It was good times.

We also had fun getting ready for Valentine's Day. This year, we used a pinterest idea for their cards, and they turned out great. The girls had fun doing all the gluing, stickers, colouring and posing for them. We sent off fun little love packages to our friends far away, and had a fun Valentine's play group up at the church. The kids got to frost and sprinkle sugar cookies, eat and share snacks, and pass our their cards to each others boxes. I wanted to put this on because my kids aren't in school yet, but I still wanted them to experience the magic of each holiday. So it was great! On actual Valentines Day, my handsome man came bearing flowers and we got to spend some time with our loved ones. So all in all-a great day of love for us.
I think another reason the girls were so looking forward to the above mentioned play group is because we'd been 'enjoying' another bout of sickness over here-cooties are for real though. Haha, but in all seriousness, we had a little visit to the ER, and for a while afterwards [longer then they recommended to be honest..] we quarantined ourselves, and tried to do productive, fun/educational stuff on our own. This involved a lot of preschool file folder my Mom had made, play dough, hanging out with Gma, Gpa, Luke and Sam, Lego's, story time, movie time, dress up, hikes and errands. They actually seemed to love it, and while their was still the occasional squabbles, I was so happy to see the way the girl's play with each other and actually thrived through out this period. Their latest favourite thing to do is ring around the rosy over and over again. They love doing it anywhere, anytime, and I love watching it.
Once everyone was 100% in the clear, we had a lot of catching up to do with swimming and ballet classes over these last two weeks. Its been busy, but nice, bc we've been able to see more of my in laws this way, and that has been good. Also, because we've been doing extra lessons [to make up for the ones we'd missed] the girls have made leaps and bounds in their classes. Isla kills the 'bubble' face and jumps in with no problems, and kicks those little legs of hers in the water super hard. And Addy has done so well that she actually levelled up! They actually rung the bell, and announced it as they gave her a ribbon and gift certificate for a happy face pancake. The pride on her face about made my heart beat right through my chest. AHHH I LOVE IT! Being their Mom is the BEST. Even in the moments when they are difficult and I feel like playing hide and go seek without telling them [haha] they are smart, strong, silly, beautiful little women and I LOVE helping and watching them grow.
Throw in some trips to the Academy, the beach, and some baking/cooking experiments and this has been our last few weeks! Might not be the most amazing life to others, but even as I'm sitting here writing it all down I'm feeling completely happy and engulfed in gratitude and love for this. Especially for Lester and our families and the all things they all do to make it possible.

Superbowl 50 came to town this year! It seemed like all of SF had stopped in preparation for the event, and so we thought we'd better take advantage of it and see what 'Super Bowl City' had to offer. It was a fun, once in a lifetime kinda thing I think, and Lester and his Dad especially enjoyed it I think. Of course, can't beat the sights and sounds of our beautiful city by the bay, so we had no complaints! I think the girls favourite part was the Bart ride before-they sat in their stroller in absolute awe and Addy kept asking saying 'Look at the townspeople Mom!' whenever we'd arrive at a stop. It was good times.

[everyone there kept commenting on how awesome she was being. So proud of my big girl and all her patience!]
[the littlest ponytail in the world-sweet Isla]
[fun at home for Daddy and the girls]
[we know a few parks that are empty at certain times, so we did some of those..they like to pretend to have an 'ice cream parlor' here]
[a quick stop by the Disney store/Heaven during errands with Auntie Sam]
[no joke, ring around the rosy in the post office-I had to stop them from falling on the floor there! They love it!]
[some walks, flower picking, and tree climbing with Grandma and Luke]
Once everyone was 100% in the clear, we had a lot of catching up to do with swimming and ballet classes over these last two weeks. Its been busy, but nice, bc we've been able to see more of my in laws this way, and that has been good. Also, because we've been doing extra lessons [to make up for the ones we'd missed] the girls have made leaps and bounds in their classes. Isla kills the 'bubble' face and jumps in with no problems, and kicks those little legs of hers in the water super hard. And Addy has done so well that she actually levelled up! They actually rung the bell, and announced it as they gave her a ribbon and gift certificate for a happy face pancake. The pride on her face about made my heart beat right through my chest. AHHH I LOVE IT! Being their Mom is the BEST. Even in the moments when they are difficult and I feel like playing hide and go seek without telling them [haha] they are smart, strong, silly, beautiful little women and I LOVE helping and watching them grow.
[putting on a puppet show at the Academy]
[some fun baking we've done over the last few weeks]
[we had to wait for a long time while Daddy and Lola took care of some business, so the girls entertained themselves by saying hi to all the 'townspeople' that passed by. Haha!]
So, as usual, life is good!