Birthday & Family Fun
Here at the Hanaike house, we are no stranger to princess fairy unicorn glitter things. Although, ever since Luke made his debut 15 years ago, those have decreased drastically-almost to the point of nonexistence....

So Hillary and I planned a Princess party we thought the girls would enjoy and got to work. We had so many wonderful family and friends who came to lend their love and support, and it ended up being an extremely fun event, filled with good memories, good food and great people. Audrey got the chance to be the centre of attention [which every princess needs at some point], and Isla got the chance to eat as much cake as she wanted, and play till long past when the sun went down [a dreamy day in HER book]. We played pin the crown on the princess, and Disney trivia [family feud style], ate ourselves into a coma and just enjoyed being together. I was happy to see that even after the food, games, and present opening were done, people stayed for a while, just because they were having a good time. To me, this is the sign that all the work and preparation was worth it.
[the birthday girls, posing in their princess dresses]
[all the cousins..]
[the spread..the cake was a Princess cake, courtesy of my inlaws and it was as delicious as it was beautiful! loved it!]
[we had several princesses of all ages playing pin the crown on the was fun and every one was such a good sport!]
[I love how dainty she is when she eats cake..although I genuinely thought she might fall asleep in her cake at one point haha. so sweet!]
[Lisa and I have been friends since kindergarten-this week she came to my daughter's party, and now this weekend I get to go to her and Grant's wedding! So happy and excited for her!]
[I think he will always be getting used to the Princess stuff, but he is such a good King to this Queen and his Princesses!]
[Isla is actually not big on attention and it showed in her awkward smiles and stoic faces during present time. She did however love all the gifts and the individual time with people-and Audrey was so genuinely excited about ever single card and present. It was adorable, and they all are so unique!]
[we made fruit wands, and forgot to put them out, so the girls ate them for a snack at the after party haha!]
Now that the party is over, we are enjoying the rest of their visit with more fun, outings, food, dancing and good times. People often ask me if/when we are having a boy and I always tell them I hope I have more girls! Because so far, it has been joy upon joy upon joy. I've loved these 2 years that we've spent cuddling, cracking up and cherishing Isla, and even though there are times I feel like I can't remember life before her, I still feel like there isn't enough time in the world for me to spend loving and laughing with her. So happy birthday to these two princesses in our big old crazy loud family-you are so blessed, and we are all so blessed by you girls!