Everything Else

-On August 21st, it was our 7th wedding anniversary...aaand we realized this about half way through the day haha. That said, with a new born and the older kids, work, chores, and normal life responsibility, we figured we would do something fun and low key with the kids, and maybe revisit it another time on our own. Besides, we have plenty of years to look forward to of just the two of us-we will take all the moments we can of hanging out with the kids till they grow up and leave us. So that night we finished up our ice cream tour, and then went out to brunch the next morning at place Hawiian place we'd been wanting to try for a while called Aina. The wait was kind of a pain, but once we were in, it didn't disappointment. Then we checked out our favorite farmers market and had fun running through the Embarcadero 'obstacle course' as the kids called it. It was a great day and fun memory.
-We've had a few fun outings as a family trying to figure out the secret to handling 3 kids in public haha. Things like the park, Stanford to play in the fountain and visit w friends, some pie places, the zoo, baby showers, etc. One highlight was a trip to the temple, where we were able to feel at peace and explain to the kids that this was where we became a family. That has been fun, and although we are still trying to adjust, we are making progress. Its made incorrporating things like grocery shopping and regular classes like swimming and dance seem a little less daunting. I think in a few more weeks we will have it figured out.
[this is what I resort to when I need to breastfeed Bear but I want them to stay in one spot, rather then run off haha!]
-Even with the previously mentioned outings, we've been spending a bit more time at home. Because of that, we've had some projects and fun, like bread and butter making [Isla loved this one of course], lots of stencil and chalk drawing, making slime with Grandma, dancing and playing horsey with Daddy, trying new recipes, and lots of practice with our reading [for Addy], numbers & colors [for Isla] and geography [for both]. I also got to host book club which was a blast for me, and as usual it was so much fun! I love having this to look forward to every month.
-The girls had a super hero themed primary activity to go to, where they were supposed to wear hero costumes, but I didn't want to spend all this money on a costume that they wouldn't be using long term, so I looked up a homemade [no sew] cape tutorial. I was worried that when they got there, they would be over there homemade ones when they saw all the other kids-but I was so happy when they still loved them! They danced the night away [especially Addy, our little dancing queen] and in the end it was a great memory.
-It was also my MIL bday, and we enjoyed celebrating w her. Its become a little tradition of hers to have the missionaries over and cook for them on her bday. Then, afterwards we just hang out as a family enjoying things. It was fun! It was also my Grandma Hanaike's bday, so we enjoyed having her over and blowing out candles w her.
-Our usual Indian summer has finally kicked in! The weather here has been beautiful the last few weeks, and is supposed to stay that way for a while longer. So we are trying to take advantage of it as much as we can. So last night, after a long day of running around for errands, swimming lessons, library etc, Lester told us to meet him at Golden Gate Park. So instead of coming home we headed straight over there for a picnic. Addy loves picnics and was in hog heaven with this one. We ate our fresh berries, artichoke cheese bread, ran around a goregous meadow and had so much fun. We even got to walk around the rose gardens and play at the park before heading over to Ocean Beach to watch the sunset. We followed in our usual tradition, and as it was Bear's first time, we dipped his little toesies in the ocean. He hated it for a split second, and then was very zen about the whole thing while cuddling with Momma. It was a perfect evening as a family. I foresee many more park days and beach visits in our near future and I'm happy about it!