Party Month


July is officially bday month here in the Pineda house, since 3 of the 5 of us were born then. And since we had gotten back into Boise fairly recently, we decided what better time for a get together then the present! There are a lot of things I miss about being in a house, but one of the many perks of apartment/town home living are the amenities. We were able to reserve the clubhouse for a fun Monday night pool party w friends. I was able to get my bake on, and the kids were able to enjoy a perfect summer time day surrounded by sunshine, friends and fun. Its the kind of stuff that makes living in Boise not so bad haha. There was a great turn out and it just felt comfortable and fun...I think back to this time last year and how uncertain and new and uncomfortable everything felt, trying to get used to all the changes, and I feel so in awe and gratitude for the life we are slowly but surely building here, at least for the time being. I think I home will always be home, but this-this is genuinely good for now, and it feels right. Lester and I have talked again and again about how we feel like we are builders, and moments like that are nice, to look around and see the community that has welcomed us, and what we are trying to do to contribute and built it up where we can too.

The day of the various bdays, we did some things just the 5 of us to make Isla, Bear and Lester feel special. Things like going out for pancakes for breakfast [as per Isla's request], opening presents, seeing Aladdin at the movies, eating desert and blowing out candles [cake for Isla and Lester's, and homemade cereal milk ice cream for Bear's], hitting up a jumpy place, and a donut shop. It was all a lot of fun, casual and easy and lots of memories were made w our little family.

Apart from all the bday fun, we've also been checking off all sorts of fun things on our Boise bucket list. I already mentioned in my last post that we did Bogus Basin, a lavender farm, 4th of July Fireworks, Splash pads, Birds of Prey and a few other things. Now, we've added to that list rafting down the Greenbelt during Float season, a fun day at Eagle Isla w friends, some water slides at the Natatorium, a little pioneer day bike parade complete w fireworks afterwards, a few dinner and fun w friends, a visit and cooking date at our friends gardens where we even learned how to make our own boba [game changer], farmers market days, and a few other fun things. 

Now, we are enjoying our last week or two w Daddio before he starts school-its been such a nice break as a whole, and we are storing up all these wonderful memories for when things aren't as amazing summer time, w all the chilling out maxing relaxin. Glad we'll have these moments to draw upon when it does.

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