My Mommy Must Haves
My friend Lindee asked me the other day for a list of things that I've found I couldn't do without since having Addy. At first, I could only think of one thing, but since then I've realized there are several. Of course, I am not the most experienced Mother, but I figured I would blog about the ones that have helped me immensely hoping that maybe they can help many of my friends who are pregnant. I would also like to put a disclaimer that I realize that this shows how spoiled I am to have all these things, and I know most women before me could do it without these things. But my philosophy is why do it if you don't have to? Haha, anywho. Here goes.
1. The Swaddler by Summer Infant.
I won't spend to much time on this one since I already blogged about it previously, but it has seriously done wonders for her sleeping schedule. My Mom had always sworn by swaddling, but every time we did it no matter how tight, she would break out and be upset. This has made it so that neither of those things happen that often! So I would say this is a must have, and it takes the edge off those rough nights.
2. The Frontal Pack Carrier by Baby Bjorn
Sometimes I feel like I need five more hands just to get half of the things done that I used to. Examples: Cleaning, Dishes, Going on walks, etc. At first, I felt like it was impossible because while I know I shouldn't hold her all the time, there is a limit to how long I will let my baby cry [at least until she's older and can understand things..] before I pick her up. Plus, I imagine she won't always want me to hold her so much, and I love to do it, so why not. This beautiful thing makes it so that I can do all these things and more! Which is wonderful, because as silly as it sounds, it makes me feel more purposed and productive. Plus, its great for walks at the park or outdoor activities. You can face the baby towards you or out. Its great.
3. Baby Gas Drops
I don't know if every baby has as much painful gas as my girl does [just like her Grandpa Hanaike!] but it is no fun to hear her screaming or see her hurting. The gas drops are cheap, and they are fast acting and they relieve some of the pain she feels and I couldn't do without them.
4. Pacifiers [duh-but we like Philip's Soothies and Avent Orthodontic BPA Free ones] and Pacifier Wipes [ours are Arm & Hammer].
The two kind I listed Addy does better with then others-plus they are supposed to be better for the kids mouths/latch.
But, at the end of the day, pacifiers are going to fall-its just the way it is. And sometimes you are not in a place where you can rinse it off. Enter pacifier wipes-I keep them in my diaper bag, and they are great for moments like that. They are made specifically for pacifiers to, so you know they do a good job cleaning it, while still being safe for your baby.
5. A Baby Bath [ours is by Summer Infant]
This is not necessarily a must have-but I have found that I like these better then using the sink or just a tub. This is probably because they get so slippery when their wet, and I am paranoid and get nervous that she will slip or something. The pre-made baby baths have a ridge making it so that the baby has a WAY harder time slipping and it props them up and in a sitting position. It just makes me feel more confident while bathing her, as silly as that sounds.
4. The Boppy
Love, love love this thing. Not only is it great for feeding the baby [whether you breastfeed or bottle feed] but its also great to help them work on their body strength in different positions and what not. We would not want to be without this thing!
5. The Swing
Remember when you were a kid and you hated naps and you'd try to fight them? Ya. Addy's already started that-she just loves to be a part of the action. But this swing makes it so that I can put her down and actually go to the bathroom or what have you. Often, she finds it so soothing, she falls asleep in it. Nice.
For the breastfeeding Momma's out there:
6. A Breast Pump [ours is by Aveno]
This is great for long car rides since you can have a bottle of breast milk for the baby and not have to stop, and also for when you've been up a million times that night and your spouse wants to help out a take turn. Don't pump to much though, because then your will produce to much. Which leads us to our next one..
7. Pads to prevent leakage [again, Aveno or Lanisoh are great brands. NOT Gerber ones.]
I know everyone leaks a little bit but some people do more then others. These have been a LIFESAVER. It could be a huge embarrassment to walk around with a wet shirt, but these make it not a problem. Also, it can be uncomfortable and cold to leak if you know what I mean.
8. Feeding Cover [ours is by BeBe Au Lait].
There are moments where baby needs to eat, no matter where you are or who your with. And even if its awkward or difficult, if you don't have a bottle, you just have to grin and bear it. These are great because they make it so you feed your baby, while still looking slightly fashionable and comfortable haha.
Anyways, these are all things that have been great and extremely useful for me in my journey of motherhood so far. I realize many women do great without them, but I am not wonder women and they have been my must haves. So there you have it!
1. The Swaddler by Summer Infant.
I won't spend to much time on this one since I already blogged about it previously, but it has seriously done wonders for her sleeping schedule. My Mom had always sworn by swaddling, but every time we did it no matter how tight, she would break out and be upset. This has made it so that neither of those things happen that often! So I would say this is a must have, and it takes the edge off those rough nights.
Sometimes I feel like I need five more hands just to get half of the things done that I used to. Examples: Cleaning, Dishes, Going on walks, etc. At first, I felt like it was impossible because while I know I shouldn't hold her all the time, there is a limit to how long I will let my baby cry [at least until she's older and can understand things..] before I pick her up. Plus, I imagine she won't always want me to hold her so much, and I love to do it, so why not. This beautiful thing makes it so that I can do all these things and more! Which is wonderful, because as silly as it sounds, it makes me feel more purposed and productive. Plus, its great for walks at the park or outdoor activities. You can face the baby towards you or out. Its great.
3. Baby Gas Drops
I don't know if every baby has as much painful gas as my girl does [just like her Grandpa Hanaike!] but it is no fun to hear her screaming or see her hurting. The gas drops are cheap, and they are fast acting and they relieve some of the pain she feels and I couldn't do without them.

4. Pacifiers [duh-but we like Philip's Soothies and Avent Orthodontic BPA Free ones] and Pacifier Wipes [ours are Arm & Hammer].
The two kind I listed Addy does better with then others-plus they are supposed to be better for the kids mouths/latch.
But, at the end of the day, pacifiers are going to fall-its just the way it is. And sometimes you are not in a place where you can rinse it off. Enter pacifier wipes-I keep them in my diaper bag, and they are great for moments like that. They are made specifically for pacifiers to, so you know they do a good job cleaning it, while still being safe for your baby.

5. A Baby Bath [ours is by Summer Infant]
This is not necessarily a must have-but I have found that I like these better then using the sink or just a tub. This is probably because they get so slippery when their wet, and I am paranoid and get nervous that she will slip or something. The pre-made baby baths have a ridge making it so that the baby has a WAY harder time slipping and it props them up and in a sitting position. It just makes me feel more confident while bathing her, as silly as that sounds.
4. The Boppy
Love, love love this thing. Not only is it great for feeding the baby [whether you breastfeed or bottle feed] but its also great to help them work on their body strength in different positions and what not. We would not want to be without this thing!
5. The Swing
Remember when you were a kid and you hated naps and you'd try to fight them? Ya. Addy's already started that-she just loves to be a part of the action. But this swing makes it so that I can put her down and actually go to the bathroom or what have you. Often, she finds it so soothing, she falls asleep in it. Nice.
For the breastfeeding Momma's out there:
6. A Breast Pump [ours is by Aveno]
This is great for long car rides since you can have a bottle of breast milk for the baby and not have to stop, and also for when you've been up a million times that night and your spouse wants to help out a take turn. Don't pump to much though, because then your will produce to much. Which leads us to our next one..

7. Pads to prevent leakage [again, Aveno or Lanisoh are great brands. NOT Gerber ones.]
I know everyone leaks a little bit but some people do more then others. These have been a LIFESAVER. It could be a huge embarrassment to walk around with a wet shirt, but these make it not a problem. Also, it can be uncomfortable and cold to leak if you know what I mean.
8. Feeding Cover [ours is by BeBe Au Lait].
There are moments where baby needs to eat, no matter where you are or who your with. And even if its awkward or difficult, if you don't have a bottle, you just have to grin and bear it. These are great because they make it so you feed your baby, while still looking slightly fashionable and comfortable haha.