Getting Our Money's Worth
Lester schedule lately had been Oklahoma busy for the last little while. And by that I just mean that he has often been at work more then he's been at home. Of course, with all cons come pros, and among those pros have been the chance to make some more moolah, and that we make the most of his days off [as you've seen in some of our previous posts]. But, we are so excited bc it looks like for the next few weeks at least, things will have settled down significantly and we will have our main man home more these days!
So, on to some of the things we've been up to. As usual, the main setting for our adventures has been good old San Francisco. I have to be honest, I have no idea how any place will ever top this one now that we've lived here for so long. I just don't think its possible. Yes, its ridiculously expensive, but for us, that pales in comparison to how much we are getting out of it. I guess the key to the high costs of living here is doing all that you can to get your money's worth haha! But I digress...
We've visited a few of our old haunts recently. Dolores Park was fairly empty what with the recent drizzling which meant a good chance to play in our hardly worn raincoats. It was beautiful, although it made me realize something. My Mom said the other day in an awe struck voice 'OMG! Its raining.' Like it was the craziest thing ever-and then she mentioned that in Isla's lifetime, she probably has never really experienced rain, as we've been in a drought here for most of her life. So it was fun watching her, and Addy stick their tongues out to catch rain drops, and run around in their little slickers. Kids make even the most mundane things absolutely magical, as if they are seeing everything for the first time in wonder. Its a good way to get a refreshed is General Conference, which just so happened to be what we were watching that day. So we loved all of that goodness.
We've also visited one of our favorite places, the Academy, to see the new exhibits while playing and learning. Now that the girls are into Magic School bus [who doest love the Frizz?] I love seeing them connect lessons that they've learned from there, and projects we've done to some of the science they see at the Academy. Its like Luke said, they are so busy having fun they don't even realize how much they are learning. So these trips, along with a stop for croissants at Artiscault has been great, now that the fair weathered fans are starting to taper a bit.

We've also visited a few new [to us anyway] places, like the De Young Art Museum observation deck, a DELICIOUS brunch place called Plow [sometimes Farm to Table places are over rated, but that is not the case here..], and Sutro Heights Park. This was one of my favorites-in all my time at the Sutro Baths, we have never explored up above it, which has a small parking lot and is shrouded in trees. But if you venture up there you find a gorgeous little paradise, where the ruins of an old mansion overlook a gorgeous view of Ocean Beach and parts of Daly City. The girls loved running around, climbing trees and being free and I loved the fresh, night air and cooler weather the fall is finally bringing. The view was incomparable, and so this was one of our favorites.

And of course, now we have all the fun things coming up which Fall naturally brings. Pumpkin patches and carving, birthdays and parties, Arsenic and Old Lace, fall leaves, and of course Halloween. The girls have their costumes ready and waiting are we are all excited for the next few months. So that is whats up with us these days! Good things to come.
So, on to some of the things we've been up to. As usual, the main setting for our adventures has been good old San Francisco. I have to be honest, I have no idea how any place will ever top this one now that we've lived here for so long. I just don't think its possible. Yes, its ridiculously expensive, but for us, that pales in comparison to how much we are getting out of it. I guess the key to the high costs of living here is doing all that you can to get your money's worth haha! But I digress...
We've visited a few of our old haunts recently. Dolores Park was fairly empty what with the recent drizzling which meant a good chance to play in our hardly worn raincoats. It was beautiful, although it made me realize something. My Mom said the other day in an awe struck voice 'OMG! Its raining.' Like it was the craziest thing ever-and then she mentioned that in Isla's lifetime, she probably has never really experienced rain, as we've been in a drought here for most of her life. So it was fun watching her, and Addy stick their tongues out to catch rain drops, and run around in their little slickers. Kids make even the most mundane things absolutely magical, as if they are seeing everything for the first time in wonder. Its a good way to get a refreshed is General Conference, which just so happened to be what we were watching that day. So we loved all of that goodness.
We've also visited one of our favorite places, the Academy, to see the new exhibits while playing and learning. Now that the girls are into Magic School bus [who doest love the Frizz?] I love seeing them connect lessons that they've learned from there, and projects we've done to some of the science they see at the Academy. Its like Luke said, they are so busy having fun they don't even realize how much they are learning. So these trips, along with a stop for croissants at Artiscault has been great, now that the fair weathered fans are starting to taper a bit.

And of course, now we have all the fun things coming up which Fall naturally brings. Pumpkin patches and carving, birthdays and parties, Arsenic and Old Lace, fall leaves, and of course Halloween. The girls have their costumes ready and waiting are we are all excited for the next few months. So that is whats up with us these days! Good things to come.