Nye On Perfect
When people say 'youth is wasted on the young' what they really mean is that they didn't appreciate how easy they had it until they grew up. Adult hood, in all its independence and glory, comes at the cost of responsibility, thus breeding experience. Which in turn provides perspective and the ability to see what a wondrous, rare and beautiful thing a simple, uncomplicated life is.
I've been thinking about this lately, as the confines of adulting occasionally bring the walls in closer and closer. For the last few years, we've had this perfect, truly simple life. One with sacrifices, and small challenges to be sure-as with most people, you always wish you had more time or more money- but over all, fairly small problems in the grand scheme of things, especially when I think of other things we've been through as a family. We've gone on countless adventures, big and small, explored new places, foods, cultures and spent time with those we love the most. Its been a time of true 'cherishing' rather then a hurried pace of trying to check things off the list. Times of putting the kids first, and stopping to cuddle them and kiss their boo boo's; a time of science projects and book reading, a time of taking detours and being spontaneous; a time for roads less traveled, simply because why not? It been a time of learning about each of our interests and dislikes, as we are all growing and changing daily. All in all its been EXTREMELY simple.
And now that I'm here, at what feels like could be a potential turning point, I'm wishing I could just freeze time and keep it like this forever. Perfect, untouched beauty, like the smell after rain and the perfect little rain drops on leaves after a storm. I just want to live in this boring, simple, perfect life of ours and not let any of it change. I know it cliche, and to be clear its not the growth I mind- I actually love seeing all the way my girls and we are changing as a family and individuals. No-its the responsibilities and the cost on our time which comes with those changes that I want to stop. And for a moment, I guess I'm taking a second to admit that to myself. As a kid, I was never good with change-but as I got older I improved, and even started to look forward to it. I think this if the first time I've felt this way since then. A little nervous, a little scared as to what those changes could bring-because even though I know now from experience that those changes could be great, I am realising now that I am truly, perfectly happy in this boring, humdrum unimpressive life of mine. And I just have a hard time realistically seeing anything coming our way soon making me MORE happy- almost like there is almost no where to go but down you know? Like snowflakes-beautiful and perfect, yet fragile-how if you even touch it for a second, it can alter or even ruin it. Anyways, I'm not one to dwell. So I'm taking this second to acknowledge this perfect time in our lives, process it, and then move through it. Hopefully, in some impossible way, to something even better in our future.
AAAaaannd, after that little pep talk [talk about a downer Julia bahaha] things have been great lately! We've been living it UP with all things fall themed, and we have a million more coming. Our favourite recent adventure has been a pumpkin patch with our friend Lisa. It was a bit out in the boonies, and half of the things weren't open. But still, it was a lot of fun-the hit of it was the corn beach thing. Afterwards we met up with her husband for some BBQ, and came home. All in all, it was a simple, fun filled day.

Over the next few weeks, we've got pumpkin carving with friends, Addy's bday, a few Halloween parties, and planned trips and then the event itself. Its gonna be a great month, and we are looking forward to all the holidays! Love our simple life.
[and then below some of the food we've been trying or making, and some visits w Lolo and Lola. Bc really, family and food can elevate an already awesome experience!]