Belated Anniversary Date-Quince

Fast forward to yesterday evening, where were able to make up for that! After loving and learning about all different types of cuisines, sourcing, techniques, and other amazing food related things for the last few years, we finally had a reservation to eat at 3 michelin star rated restaurant. Its funny, bc we both had thoughts of 'could this possibly live up to both the hype AND the cost?' And somehow, we both felt like it did both of those things!
Initially, upon walking into the restaurant, we both felt a little out of our depth, and we couldn't help but thinking about how my family would be teasing us so hard if they saw us now hahaha. But after being seated, and deciding on which prix fixed to go with, the courses started appearing and we stopped worrying about if we we're posh enough to eat there, and instead got lost in the food, atmosphere and company. It was like a place out of time, and the craziness that was going on in the world around us, and all that mattered was the date we we're on right then and there, and the life we had built together.
Now, I could talk forever about how impressive each thing was, but I won't. I will just say that of all the courses, my favorites were the potatoes and persimmons, the abalone, and the tortelli. Lester's favorite was the caviar and King Crab dish and the squab. But in the end, we both agree that it went above and beyond our expectations, and expanded what we thought we knew about dimensionsand flavor development in both the complicated, and the delicately simple. They also made it a point to make us feel like we were important customers to them. With extra courses selected specifically for us by the chef's at no extra charge, and a special invitation to meet him and the rest of the kitchen staff and tour the kitchen mid service [which was SUCH a treat for us!] it was an incredible experience. They even made it a point to bring us specially made drinks with no alchol in them, and a special anniversary cake to share. And upon leaving, they sent us with specially made hot chocolate for the ride home.

I guess we both feel like we've done pretty well conquering some outdoor adventures and experiences, along with some other kinds-but this was an entirely new kind of adventure for us, and one well worth the taking. So thanks to Lester for the 6 years of marriage we've enjoyed so far, and for all the hard work and love he gives me and the girls to make special things like this possible. And thanks to my family for watching the girls.