Farewell October, Hello November
Everything here on our little home front has been going well! October and Halloween, with all its candy, costumes and events, has finally come and gone. And while it has been immensely fun, if I'm honest, I was ready to say goodbye haha. Still good-just ready to move on!
A few days before actual Halloween, we had a few more parties to hit up, and the local farmer's market had an fun little event we attended with Lolo. We followed it up with reindeer pancakes and it was a fun day! The actual day of Halloween, we did some family swimming, then got ready in the drizzly evening and went out and about trick or treating in my in laws neighbourhood. A few friends visited, and by the time we made it back home for hot chocolate, it started an intense downpour. So we lucked out with that! Then of course, keeping with tradition, we got home, put on the Christmas tunes and started putting up our tree and what not! Haha, haters gonna hate, but we will just ignore them easily while we're wrapped up in the cozy blankets and the glow of our tree with a cup of cheer.
Other then that, we've been having some fun hanging out more in SF and loving on our sweet girls. We've added a gymnastics class for both of them to our regime, so this coupled with swimming, and other adventures and regular life stuff has kept us busy. All in all, life is good, and we are happy! So I will count that a win, and add it to the many other beautiful blessings that I'm feeling grateful for this time of year. Cheers!