Ironically, today we are not together celebrating. We are in different states getting our ducks in a row for even more life. After years of working towards this goal, Lester is currently in Boise, ID starting his second day of medical school. While he gets things set up there, I am here w the kiddos tying up all our lose ends. exciting. nerve wracking. New. Fast. Terrifying. Above all, bittersweet, which doesn't even begin to encompass what I'm feeling at this time. But I will say this. I miss him and I'm proud of him.
Home isn't here anymore-home is Lester. And even though I will miss it here more then I can say, I am ready to go home to him.
I love you Lester-happy anniversary. Thank you for the life we've lived together so far, and the life we're building together now. Thanks for choosing me-and I'd choose you a million times over, again and again. We'll be home soon.