All The In Between
I loved seeing this new generation of sisters and cousins having princess fashion shows, and winning lightsaber battles in the backyard. I loved seeing the personalities of the baby boys as they learned boundaries and tested the limits, like with learning to walk or how much sand they could get away with eating-it was adorable. I loved seeing my parents be grandparents, with things like home made smores in the living room, painting in the back or sitting on Grandpa. I loved being able to see cousins I haven't seen for years, and getting to know their spouses and kids a little bit better, and start new relationships. And of course, I loved loved loved the time I got to spend with my sisters and cousins-especially Natalie who doesn't come up half as often as she should. [Pretty sure that needs to change, wouldn't you say? haha].
We stayed up late every night talking and laughing [with me almost always tapping out first, at around midnight haha], had multiple trips to different beaches, hit up SF a time or two, a few bdays, a little book club complete with Burmese food. We even survived a fun little contagious bug that went around in the first week haha. That's real love people! I am generally not a feelings on my sleeve type of person, and I definitely need to work on handling my stress a little better-but it is important for me to say in words how much I enjoyed it, and that I would relive this experience 10 times over, craziness and all. It was so worth all the work, and I look forward to the next time we will all be together, whenever that may be!

Since then, life hasn't slowed down-we have been busy working on Lester's application, dog/house sitting and hanging out at the splash pad and with friends in Mountain View, hitting up the farmers market, visiting apple headquarters, seeing our friends the Morco's and meeting their little one, seeing Luke and Lester off on Trek, and a million other little things. As fun as things have been, I think we are all looking forward to a little more routine and normalcy here. As always, life is good and we are happy!