The In Between Moments


I wanted to do a quick post to record all the in between moments that we were able to have during our trip. Usually our visits are much shorter but bc this one was for a little bit over a month, we were able to actually do fun day to day things with each of our families and with some friends. I think these are some of the things I miss the most-the getting together often enough that you can just continue conversations you were already having, rather then making it a huge catch up session. Things like saying 'ok, see you soon' rather then 'ok, hopefully we'll see you around the holidays' kind of stuff you know? Getting to be a part of each others daily life. I miss that. Its just good for the soul. 

Some of those things consisted of beach and trail walks with my Mom and cousins, weekly Farmers Markets visits with my FIL for peaches and Roti Roti like we used to do. Foggy beach play dates with my friends, or visiting and actually getting to bake with my brother at work and at home. Getting to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics with my inlaws, and see Talia cuddling with Lolo while Lola teaches Isla chess and piano. Things like exchanging shows that we've been enjoying with my parents, or playing cards and having movie marathons [John Wick] deep into the night with my brother. Or trips to the city like Chrissy Field or Green Apple with Sam and my Dad, and Embarcadero w Luke and my Mom. The mission district for Dandelion with Lester's Dad, or exposing the kids to all different types of culture and museums like the De Young Art Museum or Academy of Sciences w Lester and the kids, or with my friends in Sausalito. And the food-I can't even talk about the food without feeling nostalgic or the bittersweetness of it all. All our favorite old haunts like Arsicault, Schuberts, Dumpling Time, Souvla, as well as new ones like Chinatown for Dim Sum and perfect egg tarts, and Moon Cakes, or for Powder [shaved ice cream] or for our favorite new French pastries at Choux. Or cooking at home, the kids rolling out cookie dough with Grandma, me and Luke tag teaming making Napoleta style pizza, or Lolo making the kids pan de sol and hot chocolate every morning for the kids and I, or watching the kids snack on peas from their garden and fresh lychee bc these are just things they have on hand. And that's not even the half of it. 

Surprisingly, it looks like the way this year is shaking out, I am going to be getting quite a few more of these in between moments with my loved ones in my favorite city then I possibly could have imagined. I think my family and I have always joked about my 'lack of feelings' kind of an attitude. But as I get older I have realized that its definitely not that-I actually have a lot of deep feelings-but I am incredibly protective of them and despite being fairly open, I don't fully let my guard down or allow my feelings to be shared lightly. But the in between moments like these are what allow me to feel that I can do that and share them in a safe place with safe people. And I am so grateful I get to have more of that in my favorite place on the planet. 


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