On Friday, July 18th 2014 at 9:45 in the morning, our sweet daughter Isla Jane made her world debut. While sleep is honestly a main priority right now in between all the new adjustments, I know that I need to record her birth story now or else give it up as lost in this jumbled brain of mine!

For a long time I had been feeling like she was going to come early. There were a number of small physical things, but more then anything I just had a feeling-the things was every time I went into the doctor or told anyone this, they said probably not. Everything they said made sense, and so I tried to resign myself to it. The thing was I couldn't push the feeling away, so I felt [and probably acted like] a crazy person bc I didn't want to get my hopes up.

So on Thursday night, I was trying to put the final touches on our birthday plans for Lester [which was the next day] when the contractions started. I had been having them every night that week so I tried not to think to much about it, but they continued for several hours and were mounting. I started timing them and they were about 4-7 minutes apart. The thing is they had been this close several times before so I still didn't want to believe it and then be bummed. So Lester and I did a few chores and played Monopoly Deal with my family to try to distract me. Finally after 2 ½ hrs, I felt like I wanted to go in but I desperately did not want to get sent home. So I went on my own and I said a prayer asking to know if I should go in or not or just ride it out-I asked him to tell me in a way that I could understand and accept the answer either way. Literally two second after saying this, something happened that made me feel confident enough to say Yes, I think this is the real deal, lets go in.

So Lester and I grabbed our hospital bags, said good night and goodbye to our sweet Addy [which as usual, I had more of a hard time with then she did. She was in good hands with my parents though.] and we drove to the hospital. Once there, they said that I was 75% effaced, having contractions every 3 minutes and at dilated to a 3-but that they need me to be at least a 4 in order to admit me. They said they would monitor me for an hour more, and then if I dilated another cm they would get me in. I think they were all feeling sorry for me, and pretty sure they would be sending me home. But again, I felt like this was the real deal so we walked around a lot, played cards and said another prayer/got a blessing. And lo and behold, they were shocked when they came in an hr later and found I was at a 4! They admitted me right away and after about an hour I got my epidural. Just like last time, he had to try 3 times, but I was still happy I got it when the pain started letting up haha. He was also great about letting Lester be involved and walking him through the whole process, as Lester was interested.

It took 3 hours after that for me to dilate to a 5. Then another 3 hours to get to a 6. Finally I told the nurse I felt like I needed to push, and she said there was no way, and they would check me again in an  hour or so. So I did my best to try not to. When they came back in an hour later I told them I still felt like I was ready to push, and they said I was complete and ready to go, so I guess in those last 3 hours I had gone from a 6 to a 10. They started getting everything set up pretty quickly at that point, and we were very happily surprised to see my personal Dr. walk in. He is by far our favorite Dr. and apparently although not on shift, he got called in for an emergency c-section, heard I was there, so decided to come a bit early so he could be there to deliver Isla. They had asked us about how long I had to push with Addy's labor, and we told them it took two pushes, but they used to vacuum. They were polite, but they said not to expect the same this time since we weren't going to use a vacuum. So, when I got her out in 6 pushes with no aids they were all impressed, which was a nice ego boost.

Lester cut the cord and they put Isla on my chest immediately. And all in that instant, our capacity to love quadrupled and our world became even more complete. We were a family of four, and our Isla was finally home in our arms with us. She is a pretty little lady, with similar features to her sister, but a lighter skin color and complexion, and dark black hair. She reminds me of Snow White-except mixed haha. She cuddles and eats like a champ, and definitely likes to be held and loved on at all times. There are no words to say how much we love our 2nd sweet little girl.

So, Isla and Daddy will forever more share a birthday. I felt a little bad at first, but Lester says theres no possible better present then the one we just gave him, so I'll take that haha. We were in the hospital till Saturday afternoon-my family came and brought Addy to meet her and visit with us while there, as did Lester's family, which meant a lot to us. Addy is sweet and likes to kiss her sister, and point to her, and we are working on the concept of being gentle haha. But I love that they already love each other. The recovery has been fairly smooth. I'll admit, you always remember how sleep deprived you were from the first time, but reliving it is another thing haha. But I find that it is a lot easier to adjust to then last time, especially with Lester here and able to be so involved and helpful. I can't get over how blessed I am with that man.

So this is our sweet Isla's birth story. I have more stories and fun stuff for another time about how things are now that we're home, and the other changes that have come with this. But now, I am going to go cuddle with my babies and try to catch some shut eye.

Patience. Patience is a virtue. A virtue which I am TRYING to develop but one which seems to continually allude me haha! In all seriousness though, I think patience is something that if it doesn't come naturally can come with work and over time-of course, this means that you could be working on it for the rest of time [I imagine this will be my lot in life]. But still, I do believe that as long as you are trying, that is something right? So thats where I'm at right now.

Last pregnancy, I feel like although extremely excited to meet our new daughter, I didn't have time to get super impatient bc they moved my due date up, we were so busy with a milling stressful things, etc etc. This second time around, I feel like although preferable, my impatience is rearing its head hard because things are happening to make it always on my mind. For example, I think I mentioned that I started having Braxton Hicks [false labor] around 28 weeks with this pregnancy. It was off and on some nights, but now I'm to the point where every night I can expect at least a good while of them. There have been points where I thought it might be the real thing bc they get to being 3 minutes apart for about an hour, then right when I'm about to call it, they go back to every 15 minutes or so. They are also more painful then last time, which is odd but still-I would love to try to avoid going in and being turned around so I ride it out, and so far that has been the right call. My point is, when you are doing things like counting time in between contractions on a daily basis, it makes it so that it is always on your mind-I feel like it is taking longer bc it has to consume my thoughts for the time being-does that make sense? The other thing that is making it at least FEEL like it is taking longer is kinda embarrassing but worth recording for reference sake I think.

When you are pregnant I feel like everyone tells you what is going to be happening to your body, and you just kinda take their word for it, bc obviously they know right? Like Dr, you tell me the reason I'm vomiting is this, sounds good to me, I don't have to see my gag reflex to believe the reason, ya know? well, just like last time, my Dr explained to me the process of my hips and pelvic area opening/relaxing to prepare for the baby to come. I nodded, believed him and went home. I've always had some lower back pain in pregnancy so I didn't think any thing of that-but about a week and a half ago, I woke up bc I could literally feel my pelvic area moving and separating and it is painful. Since then, that has been my main bugger. The pain in my pelvis never leaves-it feels like salad tongs that your pushing on w all your might but for some reason you just can't close. Last appt my Dr said babies dropped and completely in position, so I'm assuming thats why its so uncomfortable-but still. I actually considered going in last night, but the thing is the pain from that was bad and keeping me up and hurting, but my contractions weren't consistent enough. So I feel like what would be the point in going in? Obviously peace of mind, but would they even be able to give me that? Ugh pregnancy is so unpredictable for a planner like me! Haha I can't say enough how much I LOVE love love being a parent-but how much I do not enjoy being pregnant. Judge me!

The positives however ARE there. For one thing, the best biggest thing for me at least is NO PUPPP this time around! Manna from heaven I tell you guys, I seriously can't express how grateful I am for this. I also don't have any new stretch marks [TMI I know, but this is miraculous since I'm much bigger this time around]. I feel like I also have more energy this time then I did last time around. And of course, I am seriously surrounded by family and friends who are here to love and support me when I am being a wuss. So ultimately every thing is really good. I just need to continually remind myself of that..

which brings us back to our point of patience haha. I am grateful for a husband who exhibits this with me as I talk about these things far to often I'm sure, for a daughter who still excited to be with me even when its an indoor day and I look terrible, for siblings and parents who love us and are glad we're here, for friends who still like me when the day is done, and for a new daughter who is patiently awaiting her debut and making our lives that much more exciting. Thanks for teaching me the true meaning of DEVELOPING patience. I will get there someday-I hope haha! 22 days till we're due!

[First pregnancy-I was around 7 months here]
[This time-I am a little over 8 months here]
[With my favorite girl]
[She gets me every time]

[When we were getting ready to head out, we put her in the car for a sec to grab our stuff-every time someone would walk by she would lean out as far as she could and say HI! Hi! HI! as loud and happy as she could. I LOVE THIS GIRL and can't WAIT to meet her SISTER officially!]
Its been a little while since I've posted, but I feel like we've kinda been in hibernation mode over here. Lots of days in the foggy backyard, and a few visits with friends but for the most part, just the norm. Lots and lots of Braxton Hicks and feeling QUITE large and in charge has contributed to that of course-I have about two dresses that I go back and forth between now bc they are the only things that look presentable but at the same time feel comfortable. So theres that..

Of the few things that are noteworthy lately, we were able to visit w my lifelong friend Holly at her bridal shower recently. It was SO good seeing her and her family for a little bit, and to see how happy she is. Her fiance is one lucky man and he has made our good list, so positive all around haha. Mariah was also here for a bridal shower being thrown for her by some family, and it was very fun. The games and food particularly were a hit. We also got to see some good family friends when they all came to help in wedding planning meetings. So over all that was a fun weekend-thank goodness to since Lester ended up on 72 hr shift. I keep thinking about how different that would be if we were still in Oklahoma-thank goodness we are home now with people we love and things to occupy us while he is out there working so hard. And even on long shifts like this, over all we like the company better and they seem to value him more so its over all a good thing. Count your blessings I guess.

And of course, this weekend was fourth of July. Throughout the week now, Lester is in school, so it was amazing being able to spend the WHOLE day with him, as there were no classes and he was not scheduled to be at work. In the morning we spent some time visiting with some of our Aunties who were visiting from Hawaii, then in the afternoon came home and hung out/cooked. In the evening the three of us headed over to our friends house for a delicious, fun filled BBQ [I got to make potato salad and a festive dessert pizza] and fireworks. I still can't say enough how nice it is to have friends that fit so well for Addy and ones that work so well for me and Lester. Don't you just love triple wins? We came home and hung out with the family for a little bit before heading to bed [and the next day enjoyed fireworks and root beer floats with some more good friends.]

We were thinking about how lame it probably sounds to some that we ended up home at such a reasonable hour, and the fact that we are perfectly happy with that. But you know what? We've had fourth of July's of partying till the sun comes up, and they were great-but they were in no way better then this one! We are genuinely LOVING this family-enjoy spending every minute we can together-making memories kinda lifestyle, and we've both came to the conclusion that we would never ever go back. This is just to much fun. Different? Yes for sure. But equally wonderful? No question. Even more fulfilling I'd say, bc the happiness lasts for the rest of your days. Its problem free philosophy..our Hakuna Matata.
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