Best Kind Of Busy

Spring has been peeking its way through the winter darkness. Honestly I don't know why I am always surprised by the serious WORLD of difference it makes for all of our moods haha! Happens every time.

For one thing, the kids had more cool projects. I've loved their school this year, and the friend groups they've made. I got to chaperone a tour of the middle school Addy will be at next year which just about KILLED me; the preteen hormones and vulnerabilities in that building were straight up palpable, why are they growing up so fast! I am sure they'll be fine, if anything I'll secretly have a harder time with it than she will haha. There was also a super cool reptile man who brought all sorts of fun, crazy animals. 

Isla and a friend participated in a science fair project and investigated crystal formation, and we loved seeing her get a ribbon for her project! She is always wanting to learn, and assigns herself her own projects sometimes too, like researching dreams etc. She also had two separate music performances with her choir, one with a solo and one for 'honor choir' which she had to audition for, and spent so much time practicing. She did great and it was fun to see her in her element.

Bear Boy has made leaps and bounds in learning this month, especially with his reading, which has been wonderful to see. He is Mr. Popular at school simply bc he likes everyone and is nice to all. He even won a little award for being a 'kind friend' in his class and it was nice to see him spotlighted in that way. He recently got into the anime Avatar show, and asked for a hair cut like Sokka. He cares about his style and picks out the funniest little outfits somedays. I am so glad that he is part of our family, we needed this boy and all the his joy and dancing. 

Tal has been attending a preschool science class, and music/storytime at the library twice a week which she has loved, and gotten good practice on classroom skills and friend making. She loved getting to visit the kids school too when the reptile guy came as well. She loves Grover and brings him with her for her routine errands lots of days. She is passionate and loves to tell people they are her 'best friend'. 

We had spring break, which was just the right amount of chill at home. Daily bike rides and sidewalk chalk days with friends, a trip or two to Seattle for funsies and a movie day where we saw the new Kung Fu Panda. We read and baked a lot, and even got to have a fun little Avatar marathon as a family. It was nice!

So that was our last few weeks. Lots of good memories, and I know I am, and will be grateful for these days in the sun when things get tough again! It's been a nice respite. 

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