Bonus Fun


School has finally started! And we are here for it, and fall. So here are the last parts of some surprise summer fun that lingered for us. 

For one, Hillary and family came out here for a week long visit, and every time I think about it I can't help but smile. During the week, our husbands were busy, so Hillary and I and our combined 9 kids took on the town haha. We probably looked like quite the circus, but people were so kind and smiled every time they saw us. I also think bc they each had a buddy they were fairly easy to manage, and it was so nice to have another adult to talk to daily haha! We did a lot of our usual, local things. Trips to River Meadows, the Splash Pad and picnic lunches, berry picking on the Centennial Trail, exploring Main Street [thrift shops for Hillary and the older girls, soda and running around at the gazebo for me and the littles!], playing at the lavender farm, park days and lots of movie nights and crafts/projects. Hillary and I stayed up late talking and watching shows and sneaking every night after the kids went to bed, and it was just the best-so soul filling. On the last day they were here, Hyrum and J came through too and it was so fun. Loved sharing this place we love with the people we love, and there were tears for all of us after they left. So grateful for family that can be friends too.

We also got to get some fun in on Lester's time off-we went to a Mariner's game and repped our beloved Giants. It was fun being up in the sunshine and scarfing garlic fries.

Later that week we went down to Mount Rainier for some hiking and camping, and the views were amazing. After coming home and weathering a family cold, we ended his time with a trip to the Cascade mountain Loop. Still have to pinch myself sometimes that all this beauty is right in our backyard. WA is something else man. 

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