Fourth: Zoo Camp and Home Stuff


The last thing on my summer hopeful list was some kind of educational camp for the kiddos. This year it was zoo camp in Seattle! My friends participated in this when we were kids in SF, and I saw how much of an impact it made for them. So we were excited!

That said, it started about 24 hours after dropped Lolo off at the airport, so it was a lot to make it happen. In the end, Tal and I made the most of the days hanging out in Seattle while the older three went for a week. Bear in particular I think needed it, and thrived. Learned a lot, and met a lot of kids his age to run around with and have a blast. I loved seeing him in his element, and hearing all the random things he learned. I also had signed them up for Arlington's local Airplane Day and it was AWESOME. The older two girls got to each train with a pilot and go up in small aircrafts. They got to start their own flight logs, while the younger two rode in flight simulators and visited different booths. I love that our community does so many fun free events like this. It was awesome!

So, after having all the things crossed off my list, we still had/have about a month and half of summer left [unlike everyone else, our school doesn't start until Sept!] During that time, we did some fun things [Isla and one of her besties did a 4 day lemonade stand, and we celebrated Isla, Lester and Bear's bdays!], and had some very necessary lazy days at home or in town. 

[This year Bear wanted some presents, donuts for breakfasts, hot dogs and tots for lunch, lots of video game time, to do real archery, a kids museum, and a strawberry ice cream cake!]

[Isla wanted to get a make your own Funko pop, a picnic at the lavender farm with her friends, and a lake day, a few presents, cinnamon rolls for breakfast and an ice cream bar to finish!]

Rest of the time, we did workbooks and finished their library reading charts, caught up on appts, had some movie marathons and played some games, watched a ton of Olympics [and loved every second of it!], grew some butterflies and released them, spent time on weekends just me and Isla walking to the farmers market and Main Street, and some days doing art and kids museums and bakeries with Daddy. We cooked, we cleaned, we laughed, we cried and all the usual stuff living entails. It's been good. And we have a few more unplanned, things these next two weeks before school starts.

People keep asking me if we are ready for the new year, and my feeling is a solid sure, why not! I've enjoyed having my kids home with me, making memories-and I will enjoy having them back in school with their peers, with me and Tal holding down the fort here these years. Both have their ups and downs, and I am cool with either.

Except wait I lied, I am ready for Fall. Like, I love you summer, but it's time for you to go, bring on the fall leaves and pumpkins please. So thats us for now!

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