A friend recently asked me why married people always describe marriage as good, but pretty hard-like why get married if its so hard? Why not just stay where your at in your relationship? I didn't really know how to describe to them why-then I was reading this old entry I never posted, and knew I had my answer for this friend. I can honestly say that in my life, I have never felt happier or more fulfilled then I do being married and as a Mom. So yes-in my opinion, marriage can be hard in certain moments-but the happiness, and fulfillment outlast that ten fold, and that has only come through the commitment of marriage for me. 

I think I've learned a lot of lessons since coming here to Oklahoma, but one of the biggest is just because you want something bad enough doesn't mean its going to happen right away, or that it is what is right for you. My whole life I've been of the school of thought that if you really, truly want something, and you work as hard and as long as you can, you will make it happen. Up until this point, that has been the case for me. When college seemed like an impossibility, I decided that was unacceptable and did everything I could to make it happen. And it did. When I decided I wanted to make certain people my friends, I did whatever was necessary to get there attention, and make them a part of my life. And they were. When I decided I wanted a big wedding, or when I wanted to make cookies but I didn't have any eggs and no car,  I did whatever I had to in order to just make it happen. In the big things and the little, when I was passionate about it, it happened. I think in all these circumstances it was a balance of both my hard work and being in the right place at the right time-a level of luck if you will.

When we moved here, it was hard, and both of us decided that we weren't liking it. But while Lester did everything he could to just push through the difficulties and commit to being here, I had decided with all my heart and head that this was not working and I was getting us out of here. He said if thats what I needed to do, go for it, but he was going to hold his breath and hate being here till I was able to make it work. I thought to myself, "Doesn't he know who I am? Doesn't he know that what I want I get-I make it happen?" I realize that sounds bratty, but again there was no doubt in my mind that if I worked hard enough and found whatever loopholes or opportunities I could, somehow, someway I would get us out of this and we would be home by the end of his internship, no problem.

Then the internship ended and we were still here. I thought, "Ok this is taking longer then I thought, but surely by Christmas, we will be home, no matter what anyone says. I will make it happen." And I couldn't, so it didn't. I spent my first Christmas away from home, and it was hard. The longer it took, and the harder I worked to make it happen, the more I felt myself getting angry and resentful. I was doing everything I was supposed to be doing spiritually and physically, so why wasn't it working out? Why were we still here? This, coupled with my post partum blues which seemed never ending, led to Lester coming home every day from a long shift to a confused, tired, sad and angry wife.

Finally one day he gave me a window into what it was like for him when he suggested that me and Addy move home early and he would stay here until he could somehow join us. I was hurt and offended, and I couldn't believe he was even suggesting that. He then said that he felt like was doing absolutely everything he could to make the best of this situation, to make this place a home for us, and get me everything I wanted and needed, but it wasn't working. He wanted to make me happy, but no matter how much it hurt him, clearly he wasn't doing that, bc every day he would come home to me being so dismally depressed and talking about a way out of here. He said the last thing he would ever want is us to leave, but he couldn't continue to sit by and watch me be so miserable and unhappy, and feel helpless or partially responsible. He said maybe going home would give me what I needed. I immediately said no, still thinking I could get us all out of here, but he said that he needed me to consider this before just saying no.

So I did think about it-and I realized that in order to be happy I couldn't try to keep one foot in this part of my life and one out the door the whole time. If I was going to be here, I had to be here completely, and make the most of it. I realized that sometimes, things aren't on our timeline, and they are out of our control. I knew that if Addy and I went home, we may be happy in temporary aspects, but in the long run I would be miserable and always be disappointed that just the two of us weren't enough for each other. I would be running away from a hard thing, and this would affect my marriage in a way that would last a lifetime. Prayer had already been a constant companion for me in this hard time, but I made my decision and pleaded with the Lord that he would help me through this-I was accepting that I was to stay here for the entire year as we had originally plan, maybe longer, and that it was going to make me and my marriage that I loved better. I wasn't going to continue to be bitter that things weren't happening the way I wanted them to-I was going to focus on being here and trying to get to a point where I wasn't drowning.

I told Lester and he said he was behind me whatever I decided, and I could tell that he was relieved of my decision, but still apprehensive of how happy I would be. The next few months, my prayers changed from cries of 'Please help us find a way to go home, that is what I want..' to "Please help me to accept your will and to find a way to be happy here and make my beautiful family happy to. Please help me to be enough for them." Every day was a journey, but every day it got just a little bit easier. I got to the point where I felt like I was treading water, no longer drowning. I began to find small enjoyments in each day, and to see more clearly all the millions of beautiful moments my days held with my beautiful girl and incredible husband. Most importantly, I was able to see how much my husband loved and sacrificed for me. He had been doing these things all along, but before, I had been so focused on how unhappy being here made me that I couldn't see all the things that made me happy to be here. More time passed, and I got to the point where I felt like I had gone from treading to experiencing the natural buoyancy that came with swimming. Just keep swimming. There was no one specific moment I could remember when it happened-but I knew that I was deeply, peacefully and wholly fulfilled and happy. My marriage, which had always been better then I could have ever imagined, was better then it ever had been and we had learned to 'cleave' to one another more then we ever could have if things had gone the way I wanted them to. We had been solidified and it had shown me all the most important things. What could have been a chink that led to a breaking point instead became what made us unbreakable and closer then ever.

I like to look back on journals of my past-of stories of mine and Lester's first kiss, of his mission and of my single college life, of our first year of marriage and so on. They hold such precious memories in their pages, most of them lighthearted and fun, some of them deeper, but all sweet regardless. But now, I am loving looking back on the pages of this year in Oklahoma, when it seemed like the world was closing in on us but we stuck with it, against what I wanted. It is nice to see how we've improved. This blog and my last one show the differences-this one is much more lengthy and serious, but filled with so much more enduring, true deep and lasting joy and happiness. Memories fade but the lessons we learn and the people we become stay with us forever. Now that the thing which I had wanted so bad is happening-we are going back home all together and so much stronger and in love then before-I thank the Lord that I stayed. I would have missed out on the making of me, the first lessons and joys of one on one time with my girl, and being completely one with my husband. I know I would not have learned these things or received these blessings if I had left. It will be so, so nice to have my extended family again, but I know if we ever had to again, the three of us would be enough for each other, any other place in the world.

I'm glad that sometimes, things don't work out they way we want them to, no matter how hard we try or how right it feels. I'm glad that I had the faith to stick with this when I couldn't see the outcome, and that my husband and daughter had the incredible love and patience to love me enough to break through that barrier of depression, and as a result, the selfish blindness I was living in. They are my biggest blessing. I'm grateful I learned this lesson here in Oklahoma, even if it was hard. And I'm grateful that I can write this now and look back on how well everything worked out. Like Garth Brooks says-I thank God for unanswered prayers.

[how could life be anything but wonderful with this sweet girls smile?]

Today, I got my first real glimpse of who you will are. You are beautiful. You have been a part of me for several months now, and I expect that you always will be, even as the years fade away and you grow up and move on far to fast. You are coming sooner then expected-you seem to have your own timeline, but I hope this just means that you are as eager to meet us, as we are to meet you. You have already changed our family dynamic and I find myself thinking of you often and imagining what you will look like, what your interests will be, and the adventures you have in store for yourself and for us. I’m sure you are destined for great things.

I want you to know that you are wanted. More then you will ever know, until the day you get the pleasure of feeling the heartbeat of your own little one.  Some foolish people seem to think that somehow you would be of more worth to us if you were a boy. I don’t know why they don’t understand-I hope you know what they do not; that we never wanted anything other then you, exactly you. True, as your parents we will push you,  to try to bring out the best in you. But trust me when I say you could never be anything less then what we wanted. I think these people must have never heard the song Baby Mine-otherwise they would find themselves described when it says ‘all those same people who scold you-what they’d give just for the right to hold you.’ We love you, and love having this right.

I hope to always do all that I can to make sure you never doubt this. I know that right now you are as close to heaven as it gets-you are living in a world that bridges the gap between your heavenly home and your soon to be earthly one with us-and as such you are giving us a view into all the blessings you will bring with your coming. But I hope you will know that with us, you will always be home, and you will always belong, no matter where life takes you or where we all end up.

I am sure that as your Mom, I will make a lot of mistakes. I already find myself wishing I could do more or be better for you and your sister. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with the responsibility that comes with the blessing of welcoming your to our family-you are a child of Heavenly parents and by sending you to me they are putting the ultimate trust in me and your Daddy. I want you to know that we will do everything we can to rise to the occasion, and to give you all that you need and deserve. We will always strive to remind you of your divine nature and individual worth, and make sure you feel how much we love you. I hope in the moments where I fall short that you will still know above all else that you are loved and valued, and hopefully somehow this will make up for the sacrifices you may have to make with me as your Mother.

Your sister is sleeping right in a crib that will soon be yours. As parents, you want to give your children everything-the new most fashionable clothes and accessories. Never second hand or with the feeling of second best. I want you to know that this is one of the reasons we know you were meant for this family-one of the reasons we need you, and you need us. Because we want to give you and your sister everything we can. Fads changes, and material things are temporary-even hand me downs will be forgotten-but I promise you that the relationship you cultivate with your sister will remain far and beyond all of those things. Because we want you both to have the best of everything, we are giving you a sister. This is one of the greatest relationships you can have if you allow it to be. I know from experience. I promise you that your sister needs you as much as you need her-and your Daddy and I are looking forward to watching and helping both of you women grow into the incredible women you are meant to be.

Its getting late now, and you finally seem to be sleeping after our super long ultrasound today. I am going to join you girls, and go to bed now too. I just wanted to finish by letting your know that your Daddy, who is at work now, is nothing but ecstatic to have found out more about who you are and how you are growing. He loves you just as much as I do, and I hope you take comfort in the fact that he eagerly awaits holding you in his arms as well. I am sure someday you will laugh when people think your Dad is shy or a bit on the quiet side bc you will be one of the few privileged enough to see him be crazy and silly. He holds those he loves closest to him, and you are surely counted among those-so you will get to see how fun and dedicating he is, and feel how much he loves you.

Again, we love you more then you can possibly know and cant wait to kiss your little cheeks and wrap our arms around you. I look forward to talking to you and getting to know you more every second of every day. Thank you for letting me be your Mom.



Sometimes I feel like Lily in this clip:

I used to feel bad about it, but I've come to a point where I now just try to own it. Luckily, like her I also married a man who spoils me instead of reminding me that I am now an adult and should get over it haha. 

So this year, when I turned 26 I woke up to breakfast in bed [Zofran and milk included!] and presents, and lots of cuddles from him and Ms. Addy. The three of us then spent the rest of the day just enjoying some much needed time together. We spent some time outside, went out to lunch, ran a few errands and other fun stuff. That night Lester made me an old fashioned chocolate layer cake [yes from scratch, c'mon guys please..] and we got to eat it with mint chip ice cream and a few friends and family. Over all it was just what I wanted-time and fun with the people I love the most and even some presents! It may not sound like much to some, but when you have as many awesome people in your life as I do, days where you get spoiled even more are pretty spectacular.

Seriously, why doesn't everyone love their bday?
If you ask Addy this question, her answer will probably be a resounding NO. On Monday we squeezed into our little truck [since the days we can do that all together are numbered] and headed over to Tahoe for some snow play. Ironically, Addy has never really seen the stuff since we moved out of Idaho/Utah before she was born. Funny how that goes!

We thought she would love it, considering how active and independent she is, and how much she loves the beach. And guess what? She HATED it. By the end she was being a better sport, but for the most part she made it clear that she did not enjoy it and she infinitely preferred the beach. We carted her around in the sled for the most part, but every time we first would put her on initially she would whimper and cry because she knew that it would probably mean another ride down a small slope. 

She did get to play with some snowmen [that looked an awful lot like Olaf to be honest..] and she seemed to enjoy that a bit. I think our favorite part was when she got to the point of no longer crying when sledding-just straight up yelling like she was on a roller coaster or something-until they got to the bottom. I have never once heard her, or any other baby for that matter, just yell like that. Not to terrified. And not scream, not cry, just yell like 'Why is this happening!! I hate it!!' So funny and so cute! 

On our way home we stopped in Vacaville for some dinner and ice cream at Fenton's. By that point she was our friendly, constantly smiling girl yet again. Even though she didn't enjoy it as much as we'd hoped, we made some fun family memories. I think our plan is to try doing something like this at least once or twice a year if possible, and hopefully when she is a bit older she will enjoy it more. Until then I suppose we will just have to take advantage of living so close to the beach and go as much as possible! I can definitely commit to making that sacrifice ;)

[I think she was a little confused by him at first, being her height and all. Once she realized he wasn't real she liked him though.]

[this was one of the only smiles of the day haha!]

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