Becca & Conrad's Wedding

When Becca and I were growing up, we always used to say to each other 'your invited to my wedding!' It was funny bc these were even pre-Lester days, where neither of us had anyone particular in mind TO marry-but if there was one thing we did know, it was that we wanted to be there if/when it happened!

8 years ago, when Lester and I finally did get married, she was there. She was there 2 years later at my first baby shower, and there in some of my most difficult times in OKC through care packages and notes, and she has been there for every single one of my significant life events since then-as well as several non important ones along the way. She has supported, listened, laughed, cried, taught, and been a true friend to me over all these years when I've changed, and my family has changed, and I have felt honored to be able to there to do the same here and there for her.

And this weekend, I finally able to make good on my end of that old promise when I had the pleasure of attending her and Conrad's wedding. My girls were floored to be able to be part of it as well, as they got to be flower girls. The funny thing about it is even though it was HER wedding, the whole things was clearly done with everyone else in mind. It was held at beautiful children's museum by Coyote Point with gorgeous views, and lots of fun things to do for all ages. It had special touches all through out, like with an artist to do caricatures of the guests, a photo booth, and music that everyone could enjoy, no matter how old or young. It had fun interactive science exhibits to play with, and animal visitors, and even a science playground. There was delicious food that suited everyones various diets, and even little goody bags to entertain the kids. Basically, above all, the whole event exuded love-Becca and Conrad's love for each other, their love for all of us, and our love for all of them. It was by far one of the most fun wedding I've ever been to, and I loved every second of it. I will never forget the memories I got to make with my family, and that I've gotten to make. I'm excited to add it to all the ones I already have with Becca, Liz, Lisa, and Drea, and for the opportunity to make millions more.

The girls danced the night away-[Isla in particular-after 2 hours of non stop dancing, I insisted she take a break and cutie pie girl said 'Whew-thank for snapping me out of it!' I love her!] and we did as well, and we got to catch up with so many good friends. A high light for us was participating in the Horah, as Lester helped lift the bride and groom on their chairs and we all got to hold hands and dance with them. All in all, it was a perfect experience, and I am so grateful for it.

I guess I'll just end by saying, with my friends, especially Becca, I feel like I can be myself-with my 3 kiddos and wonderful husband in tow-and even my sarcastic sense of humour at times haha-and they still love me and genuinely want to be a part of my life. That is a special, and rare thing I think, and I will always cherish that.

So congrats to the newly weds-and now, its not too late for you catch up to us in making some more besties for my kids haha!

[a few dress rehearsal pics]

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