Our Visit Home & Addy's Blessing

I don't want to take to much time out of our visit to blog, but I don't want to forget things or have to do a super long post that crams everything in later. So although we were scheduled to leave Saturday, we were able to move our flights up to Thursday. We were worried about traveling for 7 hrs with an infant, but to our surprise she did extremely well-people even complimented us on how good she was! After we got here, we made some plans for the week and spent some time with Lester's family. However, my family didn't even know we were in town. So after eating some dinner, we headed over to my house and surprised them. They were ECSTATIC and so were we.

The next day my mother in law and I spent the day baking and getting the house ready for a relief society activity that day. All together, we made several things, but I helped mainly with a lemon strawberry cheesecake, some cranberry crumble, and pecan brownies. The activity ended up being a lot of fun, with a huge turnout and we enjoyed it. My family came towards the end and my in laws watched Addy while we all went to see Life of Pi. Great visual effects, but very strange story-still not sure how I feel about it haha.

Saturday we spent the time with Lester's family and went shopping at the new outlets in Livermore. It was a lot of fun, and they were very nice. When we got home we headed to my house and watched some Christmas movies and played cards with my family. We also got to skype with Hillary and Andrew which was a lot of fun.

Today is Sunday and a very very special day, because we blessed sweet Addy in church. Lester, my Dad, Lester's Dad, and the ward Bishop performed the ordinance and it was beautiful. She is such a special daughter to us and to her Heavenly Father and it was wonderful to hear that through this blessing. She is so loved and I think we could all feel that. Our dear friends the Bennings and Lualamagas were able to be there which was nice because they have both been such a huge part of our growing up. We were also able to hear lots of lovely testimonies and the spirit was extremely strong. It was a wonderful experience and I am so so incredibly glad and grateful that we were able to do it surrounded by loved ones. After church, both of our families and some close family friends were able to come celebrate the occasion with lunch and cookies at my house. I don't think Addy has been put down since we got here haha-she is so adored by everyone, just as she should be. Seeing people love my baby makes me love her and them even more. It brings so much joy to my heart. We are finishing the night watching the Christmas devotional and enjoying each other at my in laws.

We have another week here, which is great, although I don't know if that is enough! I am so glad we all are connected throughout the eternities and we have that to hope and look forward to.

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