Valentines Day 2013

Well, by some miracle, Lester Pester Poo was off for Valentines Day! I'm still recovering from a cold though, so we tried to balance having fun with taking it fairly easy. It still ended up being pretty momentous though since it was the first time we ever left Addy with a babysitter [our friends from our ward.] It felt so weird leaving a place without her-like a part of my body was missing. But I think it was really good for us, and for her. I want her to get used to being around alot of people, so she can develop good social skills and what not. I also know that as much as I wish she would never leave and stay ours forever, someday she will grow up and leave us-so I want to make sure Lester and I are always laughing, learning and dating each other; lets face it, we will be the ones who stick around for each other when we're old and wrinkly. So ultimately it was a good thing all around.

But, I digress! After dropping Addy off, Lester and I headed over to the Oklahoma City LDS temple. It was my first time going for six months [pregnancy kind of takes away the ability to sit for long periods of time without having to go pee!] and it was good. I loved feeling the peace of mind and heart that only the temple can bring.

After picking our sweet girl up, we came home and took some naps, and then headed out to Bricktown for the best dinner we've had since we came to Oklahoma. It was Cajun and the restaurant was full of atmosphere and DELICIOUS food. I felt inspired to learn how to cook that kind of food!

Anyways, it was a fun simple day and we loved it. We're going to watch the classic Ten Things I Hate About You now, and cuddle. It may not be as crazy as last year [see this post], but it was SO needed and wonderful. We'll see where we end up next year on this day!

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