All Things Addy
By now, I've picked up a few tricks as to what works with Addy and what doesn't. One of the most effective tricks to calming her down is taking her to look in the bathroom mirror. She loves it. She is already pretty generous with her smiles, but she seems to reserve the biggest, best ones for herself. I don't know if she has connected the fact that what she is looking at is her, or if she is just practicing her cuteness, but it works without fail almost every time. I got a few of them on camera, but they don't do justice to how big or how awesome they are.
Also, I've been told multiple times that when I was a baby, I drooled so much they called me 'droolia.' Nice, right? Addy sure thinks so! She is following in my footsteps by drooling what seems like an insane amount. She also looks adorable in hats, as seen below.
Another thing we've loved is watching Addy figure out how to work her face. Her smiles have grown increasingly big and increasingly frequent. But today, for the first time she officially laughed. A big, husky, I can't help myself, beautiful full hearted laugh. I had been tickling her, and she just let it out. I wish so badly Lester had been able to be here. He is off working so hard for all of us. I am just glad he gets to be here as she continues to figure all these basic, wonderful things out and that I get to share eternity with him. These two are my best friends.
Our girl is also very focused. Whether it is on toys, the people or nature around her, or whatever, she concentrates on what she is doing. We have to be careful of this when the TV is on, because if we let her, she will focus on that too haha. Everyone who meets her [including the Doctor] notices how impressive she is in this, and how advanced she seems for her age with rolling over, grasping things, and sitting for a few seconds unassisted.
She is also very cuddly. She has been this way since she was born, and this is one of my favorite things about her. There are times where she wants to be independent, or stretch out and do her own thing, but for the most part, she will curl up in our arms and to sleep or just hang out. She likes to do Eskimo kisses and nuzzle her nose into our chests and hold our fingers with her hands. She smiles and loves to be kissed, and makes a game out of it by turning her head so we can get both sides.
She will try to get our attention at times by cooing and staring, but then the second we reciprocate and try to make eye contact with her, she avoids looking at us at all costs. She acts aloof and like she doesn't care. She is such a little diva.
Her hair is growing really well on the back of her head, but hasn't made any progress whatsoever on the top. We like to tease her and say for now, she has her Lolo's hair and her Grandpa's gas haha. She loves skyping with her family, and when she sees the computer, she will start talking like crazy, even if it is not on. I think she thinks its only for communication purposes, but we love how excited she gets about the prospect of seeing them. She especially loves other kids. We are going to have a social butterfly on our hands.
She loves baths and water in general. Whether its a quick shower with her parents, or a leisurely night time bath, visiting the ocean or just watching the water run while Mom does dishes, she loves it. She kicks in the tub when she gets excited and often causes big splashes already. We can't wait till she gets old enough for swimming lessons.
All around, she is a joy and can't say enough about the light she brings to our lives. We will forever look back on this time in her life and be so glad we got to be such a big part of it.