Living This Life

You know you live in paradise when someone you love says "Hey-its been so hot out-lets all go over to the beach and eat dinner there." And then. You do. Because you actually can.

Moving home has its ups and downs, but I for one am 100% confident that it was the right decision for our little family right now. We have had a few short months to be able to rejuvenate our relationship and cherish the little things like going to bed and waking up together-going on family outings together-vacations, visits, parties, walks, etc; all things which seemed to be impossible when we were being improved in Oklahoma. So now that all the callbacks are starting to roll in, and Lester has secured an awesome job close by, with a great schedule-we are ready for it. At least for my part, anything sooner would have been a little quick, and anything later would have been too long. I am looking forward to spending time with just my girl again, getting into a routine, and to welcoming my hard working handsome husband home from work.

Its been a long road so far, and we still have a long ways to go till we get where we want to end up. But for now, life is so, so good and I am going to do everything I can to soak that all in, and just enjoy being in the place, with the people I love.

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