We Are Family

I think we are born into the families we are for a reason. This includes extended family of course, but right now I'm talking about immediate families. Being here has taught me a lot about myself and the people I care about, and I've realized that for the most part, I like who I am I know I can contribute much of that to my family. I have made my own choices, and I have my own unique personality, but my parents did as we often say in our church-taught me correct principles and then allowed me  to govern myself for the most part. I like my family and my parents because they have taught me things through examples, and they have tried to do so in love. But even amidst all these serious life lessons that I needed to learn, my childhood and now adulthood have been laced heavily with laughter. I think about others I know who have learned all the same things I have but in totally different ways-I wouldn't have made it in many of those families because they are so much more solemn or serious, or just differently built. But I don't think they would have made it in my house for all the teasing and craziness. There were times growing up I longed for my own room, for privacy, or to be taken more seriously-but now that I'm an adult and I can have all those things they are usually not what I want.

I guess that my reason for saying this is I know as a kid, people would tell me someday I would understand my parents more. That I would miss my siblings when I was gone. My Dad and I clashed when I was teen and I remember feeling that I would never understand him-I just wanted to live my own life and learn my own lessons. Hillary and I shared a room for what seemed like an eternity at the time, and Mariah and I butted heads hard. But now that  I've grown up, I want my parents to know that not only do I understand them more, but I want to be like them so bad! They are fun and they laugh a lot. I never doubt that they love me and that they love each other, no matter how old I get and no matter how old they get [although they never seem to age, rude!]. Thats something I want for my kids. I want my siblings to know that apart from Lester and Addy, they are my best friends and that I know this will never change-we've come too far and learned to much together for that to happen. I'm glad we have so many memories together and to see how all our different paths are making us happy. I'm glad that they will get to be a part of my kids lives and bring things to the table that I might not think of.

I just feel like what Leslie Knope said to her husband on their wedding day [in Parks and Recreation] applies to my family. "I love you AND I like you." I always knew I would love my family, but I wouldn't have guess how much I would genuinly like them too. I know we don't pick our families and people point that out all the time. But even if I could have, I would pick my family out, and I know Lester would to. So I guess you guys all keep yours, and I will keep mine. Please and thank you!

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