
Things have been pretty rough around this apartment since the dreaded teething has darkened our door. You know how it is-the full fledged, constant drooling, the crying and clingyness for no apparent reason, the never ending phlegm that comes as a result of all that. I think the worst is the cold symptoms. She gets so clogged up that then she has trouble eating or using a pacifier to soothe herself, and because of that, by the time she actually sits and eats she is a little fussy ball of hunger and tiredness.

But the reason I wanted to write this was not to complain about it-it was rather to say what a trooper she has been. I have many friends who have had colicky babies, and I am realizing how difficult that would be. From day one, Addy has been a pretty chill chickadee. Sure, she does her typical baby things-crying, pooping, etc. But for the most part she only does it when she needs something that I can fix, and as soon as she gets it she's good to go. She smiles more then anyone I've ever known, and she is friendly and fun and curious. I love it. So so much. I think she is the ideal first/oldest child. She is the kind of kid that makes me want to have lots more, and I know that when we do, she will be patient with me even if someday one of her siblings does have colic or need constant attention.

I got a little reminder of this a few days ago. She had been crying non stop for hours on end and nothing was working-holding her, putting her down, medicine, humidifier, saline, etc. Finally, after I was ready to give up and feeling frustrated, she started coughing and gagging. I picked her up, patted her hard on the back and she threw up [definitely throw up, not spit up] everywhere. I took us both straight to the bath, washed our clothes and cleaned the carpet and from then on, she was all smiles again. Turned out that she wasn't crying for no reason that whole time, poor kid. And like usual, as soon as she got it out, she was back to her happy self, ready to laugh and be cuddled. She downed 10 oz afterward and went right to bed. The next day, when she was having a hard time again, I was able to be patient with her knowing that even though she couldn't say what was wrong, all she needed was me. 

I'm grateful for the patience motherhood is teaching me and for the patience she shows towards me as I figure it all out.

[conked out after a long night..she has a mind of her own as to where she likes to sleep. I moved her back to the middle shortly after this.]

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