Today & Tomorrow
We went to the zoo again today. It was fun. Now were home just cuddling and hanging out, trying not to think about tomorrow. Were supposed to get to the appointment at 8:00, and we can't feed her at all past
Reflection-Procedure & Breastfeeding
My baby is currently sleeping. I can't stop looking at her. She is so beautiful. It has been an interesting week-as I stare at her, I can't help but wonder what its been like for her. What goes through her mind,
3 Months Today
Today, Ms. Adelaide turned 3 months old. Since day one, she has changed our lives for the better and it is a joy to watch her learn and grow. From the day we brought her home, she was already working on
This Season In Time
In reading my friends blog the other day, she referenced Ecclesiastics 3:1-8 which says this: To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die A
Poor Addy
My sweet Addy girl is sick. She has a barking cough, is very congested and her eyes were swollen. We took her to the doctor and they said she has bronchilitis. They prescribed her some eye drops and albuteral and even
Thank You Very Much
This is just a quick post to say Thanks. I never wanted my blog to become something where all I do is complain or talk about how hard I have it [especially b/c I do have so many good things in
End of Academy
Today was Lester's last day of Academy [job training], so we were able to go to his work for a little graduation ceremony and refreshments. It was really nice to get out of the house, socialize with some of Lester's co
Open To Suggestion
First off, Lester and Addy are the best things that have ever happened to anyone, especially me, and I am so grateful for them and my life. But now I want your input. I believe this quote by Dieter F.
Family Zoo Day
Don't know if you heard or not, but Lester and I are pretty much zoo experts these days. For this reason, we had to check out the Oklahoma one since we had heard that its supposed to be pretty great. So
How We Spend Our Days
This is just a preview into what mine an Addy's days are like. Typically she wakes up early, and I feed her and we hang out for a bit before a big long morning nap. Often I will wake up a