Thank You Very Much

This is just a quick post to say Thanks. I never wanted my blog to become something where all I do is complain or talk about how hard I have it [especially b/c I do have so many good things in my life]. I want to uplift people, and have fun with it. But of course, we write about what is going on in our lives...and this is my right now. So I did it, but I was feeling a little exposed and worried people might not like hearing about my feelings again.

But I am glad I did..because its has reminded me yet again how many AMAZING, amazing friends and family I have, what with the outpouring of support that came from everyone as a result. I was amazed with the wonderful advice, love, and camaraderie I felt from so many people. They came in comments, calls, emails, visits etc. Its nice to know that I am not the only person who has felt this way and there are things I can do to combat it.

It also helped that Lester's first day of his new shift, I didn't have to be alone. From the second we said our prayers and kissed goodbye, I had people to lift me up. In one day, I skyped with my family at home, my high school friends, my sister Hillary and my homegirl Brittney. Lester also called and checked in whenever he could, because thats the kind of husband he is. All this because they knew Addy and I needed to see and hear that we were thought of and we will all be together again someday.

So anyways-I know that for me at least, this is still going to be a bit of journey. There will still be hard moments. But I know that there will also be so so many wonderful moments and that I have a world of support systems out there. So THANKYOU for loving me and my sweet girl and family. Thank you for your messages, your calls, you smiles, your packages and for who you are and all that you do. It is noticed and appreciated.

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